Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Bit of This and That

The Festival of Colors
in Utah...
I know WEIRD Right?!
I asked Dave if he ever went when he lived there.
He said he didn't because he didn't want to go with a bunch of dudes!
He had to have a girl with him!
He never had the chance!
It is a Hindu Holiday. A celebration of Spring!
You buy bags of powdered color and toss it!
How fun! How messy!  How crazy!
Maybe someday I will go,
I hope I get the chance!

I was a bit afraid to purchase the Nook
for fear I would
waste my money on 'books'
and not read them.
I am happy to say that I have already read
2 books and I have started on my 3rd since I bought it, which is nice
because I have now improved my
books read average.
(Remember my resolution to read more?)

Today I saw a little girl who is in one of the classes
I sub for.
She is a tough one  in class!
(to put it mildly!)
Did I mention she is in kindergarten?
I had Whitney's kids with me at the supermarket
and I notice some random little girl sticking her tongue out at sweet
little Desi!
I turn to look and it is said little girl!!!
I gave her a dirty look and when she noticed it was me
she looked scared!
Remember, subs are mean!

 Conference was GREAT!
I love conference weekend!
The weather was finally nice!

Taylor went out with her friends today.
She has one that drives...
That means she is growing up and I am getting OLD!
But I am glad I don't have to drive her as often!

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